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Diet For Diarrhea

What to Eat and What to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea Everyday Health

What to Eat and What to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea Everyday Health

Fatty foods These include foods that are fried greasy or covered in gravy which can make diarrhea worse. Milk butter ice cream and cheese Even if the diarrhea isn t caused by lactose When you have diarrhea the foods that you eat and the foods that you avoid can be critical to helping you recover quicker. This is where BRAT foods come in. BRAT stands for bananas rice When you have diarrhea certain foods can aggravate your digestive system and make it worse. Avoid most vegetables fruits legumes dairy fried or fatty foods and artificial sweeteners. Coffee alcohol and carbonated drinks can also make diarrhea worse and should be avoided until you feel better.

Don t eat fruits and vegetables that cause gas. Eating gassy food when you have diarrhea can increase intestinal gas and should be avoided. This includes fruits and vegetables like beans When you have diarrhea you should avoid the skins of potatoes. Adding a bit of salt to your potatoes is fine but avoid sauces butters sour cream or gravy. White chicken Steamed white chicken If you have chronic diarrhea what you eat and don t eat can help. Adjusting your diet will make the biggest difference in chronic diarrhea Katz says. Cut out foods you may be sensitive to like milk or nuts for a while and then gradually add them back.

fatty and greasy foods. drinks and foods containing fructose. fruits such as apples peaches and pears. spicy foods. diet drinks and sugarless gum and candies containing sweeteners such as sorbitol mannitol and xylitol. Research shows that following a restricted diet does not help treat diarrhea in most cases.People with diarrhea should eat bland foods as spicy or complex foods can irritate the bowels. Doctors often recommend the BRAT diet which includes bananas plain white rice applesauce breadDuring a bout of diarrhea the stomach is sensitive to food such as milk ice cream butter and cheese. These are the foods for diarrhea that are best to avoid. Beverages Alcohol-based beverages and caffeinated beverages such as tea or coffee cause the body to lose fluids quickly.

If you usually flavor oatmeal with sugar honey syrup or butter you ll want to avoid them until your diarrhea clears up. Whole wheat is generally the healthier toast option but white bread may be better since it s easier to digest. Saltines and pretzels are often made with white flour rather than wheat.While it s wise to avoid dairy products when you have diarrhea Dr. Kirby says there s one notable exception yogurt or kefir a fermented milk drink that contain probiotics.Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Add semisolid and low-fiber foods gradually as your bowel movements return to normal. Try soda crackers toast eggs rice or chicken. Avoid certain foods such as dairy products fatty foods high-fiber foods or highly seasoned foods for a few days. Ask about anti-diarrheal medications.

During diarrhea your bowel becomes irritated and inflamed. To help calm your bowel down avoid eating fruits. Most raw fruits like apples pears and grapes are considered non-binding which means they have a laxative effect on the bowels. That s the opposite of what you want when you have diarrhea. Two exceptions bananas and applesauce.What to avoid. You should avoid certain foods that can worsen diarrhea like Fatty foods like milk and other dairy products fried food butter and heavy cream Fruit peels from pears apples plums and peaches Nuts like walnuts chestnuts peanuts and hazelnutsI just made the most delicious pancakes with white flour bananas and kefir. I ate three and enjoyed them tremendously also knowing that they will provide the bind that my stomach needs. As a

Acute diarrhea is most often caused by a viral infection such as stomach flu or gastroenteritis. In other cases contaminated food or water is a likely culprit. Some people may also have diarrhea as a result of IBS or after eating foods such as bread eggs large amounts of fruit or even dairy products. 1 Foods that cause excess gas. It s important to eat generous amounts of fruits and vegetables every day. But when diarrhea strikes you want to avoid choices that are likely to increase intestinal gas such as cabbage beans broccoli and cauliflower until you re feeling better.When you have an acute case of diarrhea you can often take care of it without needing any medication. Several things you can do to care for diarrhea include Drinking plenty of water and other electrolyte balanced fluids like diluted and pulp-free fruit juices broths sports drinks Gatorade and caffeine-free sodas .

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